Friday, November 4, 2011

Using Google Plus As An Internet Marketing Strategy


Well let’s first start off by sharing the 4 primary ways as of this blog post to use Google+ aka Google Plus.

1) Circles: Circles is how Google+ allows you to accurately group your followers so you can be more targeted about the information you share and the information you receive. This isn’t a power trip, just a simple recognition that not all of my followers have the same interest. So I’ll be that much more effective when it comes to truly engaging with like minded people.  I mean think about it, you can have a circle for family, a circle for close friends, a circle for JV partners, a circle for a specific business group, a circle for your church, etc… The possibilities are endless.  But people from church don’t necessarily want to hear about your latest findings about your business venture nor do they want to hear about your most recent product launch.  So these Google Plus Circles make it easy to create target lists of people.  Something that Facebook should of implemented a year ago.  Thanks Google for filling in the gap!

2) New Strategies: Google+ is NOT the same as Facebook. Therefore Google+ will not and should not be used the same as a Facebook Fan Pages. So I’ll be testing, trying and tweaking new social marketing strategies, an opportunity not otherwise presented (more on that to come in the future).  Whenever a new social media presence comes into play, there are opportunities but the only way you can discover opportunities is to play with it and test it out.  I just found out that there is a way to get all of your fans and friends over to Google +.  If you leave a comment I will share with you this strategy for moving those fans and friends over to your Google Plus profile.

3) +1: +1 is Google’s version of the ‘Like’ button and you can pretty much bet on the fact that +1 will become a factor into Google’s search algorithm. Needless to say I’ll be all over the +1 map, integrating it into my sites.  You can see this post has it integrated already!  All of my new landing pages, sites, blogs, etc… have Google+1 integrated in.  Why?  Because here’s what it does.  Just like the Facebook like button, it tells Google what people find as being relevant, good information.  Now think of it in terms of search traffic, that is when someone searches Google for a specific keyword.  Google’s goal is to present the best, most authoritative information that mean derive value from.  That’s how the algorithm is written.  Now this plus one button will allow Google to rank properties based on the number of people who “like” or “plus 1″ it.  It’s basically giving your post or site a thumbs up, this is great content, I love the content.  That’s what it’s telling Google and Google will rank accordingly.  IF you care at all about your positioning in Google then get the plus one code integrated now!


4) Business Profiles: Google+ announced that business profiles will be announced a lot sooner than the planned. With that said, keep an eye for mine.  When Google came out with what they call “Google profiles page” I jumped on it.  Why?  Because you can get a direct link from Google to your website.  As I say, “Google loves Google” therefore getting a direct link from Google is one of the best links you can get for search engine rankings and something you should jump on.  It’s not too late to get yourself a Google Profiles Page and when Google+ comes out with their business profile you’re going to want to jump on that as well.  As they always say, “The early bird gets the worm!”  Be early, be first to the game and you’ll win big!

Now here’s what it looks like in your email when you post a message to Google+.  This has huge implications for getting email deliver ability!  Another way to get in front of your prospects…


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