Friday, November 4, 2011

What Is Google Panda ?


Google Panda is the new Google algorithm that was released on February 24. The reason for its release was to give priority to websites with proper content, and penalize all those that use duplicate content, and link farms, which are those full of links to other websites.

One tip that Google says regarding these modifications is to not have more than 10 ads on one page, because that would damage our position. Another change we notice quickly is the decrease in visits by robots, if they consider that our content is not satisfactory to the visitor. You could see this watching the bounce rate to our site. Another point to consider is the quality rather than quantity of links to our website. It's useless to have 10,000 backlinks if they all come from bad considered sites. A comment of an article of yours in an online newspaper can benefit you much more than 100 in link farms.

How to survive Google Panda?

The first thing you should do is to disappear from all these websites where you copy a part of your content for other users to vote. With this type of websites you win referring visitors, but your positioning in the search engines will be severely affected if the content of that site is considered original and not the content of your website.
If you do not want to be affected negatively by Google Panda, there are 2 words that should not erase from your mind: Quality Content.

Watch the below video to learn more about Google Panda


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